The Anatomy of Prince Charming (classic web texte)

Prince Charming glows like the rising sun in a great red cloud ablaze with lightning; he has six heads, twice as many ears, twelve eyes, hands and feet; his mouth is full of terrible teeth as large as plough shafts, his nostrils are like mountain caves, his eyes like deep dark wells concentrating, adorned with all ornaments, shining like ambrosia, shining like pure crystal, like a smokeless fire; He is terrifying with 8 legs, some on the top some on the bottom, eight tusks, a mane and a tail with long ears. He is two hundred thousand leagues tall, one hundred and fifty thousand leagues wide, touching the moon with his tongue and long claws. Prince Charming, the famous one, stepped over heaven the sky and earth this whole universe in three strides. Surpassed the sun in his own energy, gods, demons, and various celebrities are bewitched by Prince Charming’s energy over and over. Prince Charming is able to assume any form he desires, and can supply all sensual enjoyments. Through the resources of his nine treasure houses and constant attendants, Prince Charming will obtain immediately the absolute possession of any object he wishes for. Prince Charming accomplishes many things through the power of magick wishing trees, and can create 1000 winged panther ladies in a millisecond. Within Prince Charming’s mouth, is the whole entire universe, and heaven, and the regions of the sky, and the orb of the earth, with its mountains, islands, and oceans, wind, lightning, the moon, and stars, the zodiac, water, fire, air, space, the vacilating senses, mind, elements, all the forms of life, time, nature, action, and hope. Prince Charming’s power and glory is unlimited, his mind is as pure as flawless crystal, his five arrows are made of the sun lotus, asoka, mango, jasmine, blue lotus, and they cause infatuation, excitement, parching, withering, heating, and paralysis. When Prince Charming takes the form of a fragrant breeze, gentle and cool, a great sound of drums is heard in the sky with no apparent cause and a rain of flowers falls. His face is as bright as the moon, red as a china Rose, and was adorned by bees attracted to the perfume to his flowering ichor around which humming birds hover. His matchless strength cannot be challenged by anyone, at night he makes love in the manner of the mere-beast. Prince Charming plays happily in the terraced gardens surrounded by celestial nymphs. For his amusement he has brought the elephants of the sky, together with their elephant cows, to live in is own palace. He uses a hundred thousand times ten million horses in his elegant stables. He has dragged off the goddesses of perfection and instructed them to do housework, and he has brought the entire group of celestial nymphs for is own service. Whatever precious gem or thing there is in the triple universe that he has not already carried off, he will not hesitate to carry off in a fury. Prince Charming is enticed like a beast kept for pleasure, a wanton lusting after women, charming the hearts of beautiful women intent upon permanent youth without beginning middle or end. Prince Charming is husband to over 50 lustful women incarnated in he universe with eight supernatural powers, dear to them as their very life’s breath. Prince Charming is savant of the erotic textbooks, ardently longing for the great erotic pleasures, the guru of the guru of those who are adept in various ways of making love. The best of the troubadours, singing beautifully with a beautiful voice, proud of his skill playing on the lute. Prince Charming is permanently young, intelligent, sweet speaking, calm, artful, handsome and crafty. Prince Charming (the pillow) has sported with these women for over two hundred thousand celestial years in a deserted forest. For fifteen thousand million years Prince Charming stood on one foot with a gaze of trance, motionless meditating on the self within his self, shinning like a thousand suns, three eyed with matted locks carrying a spear gun trident. Standing on one foot for twenty thousand millin years, and then for yet another ten million million years, Prince Charming dwelt with the wild animals, then for twenty thousand years since, Charming ate nothing but air, and for another eight thousand years, Prince Charming stood in complete silence in the water.

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